Meet our new house!


I've shared some of the ups and downs of buying and starting renovations of our new place... but I haven't actually introduced you to it! Meet our cute little house {condo}!

We bought a super outdated two bedroom two bathroom condo in a loft/courtyard building in a pretty hip part of town. Honestly, I don't feel cool enough to live in our new neighborhood, lol, but here we are!It's the 'perfect' fixer upper and will {hopefully} be a great flip. Here is the layout of our new condo...

So what are we going to do to this puppy? As I've been sharing with friends and list the projects saying that it really isn't that much, everyone gives me a weird look and says ~ it sounds like a lot! And now that we're living through it, I'm realizing... they were right, it is a big project, but this has been one of my biggest dreams for a long time and it's coming true as I type this blog post... there's no going back now! Here are photos of the existing space. The layout works, the rooms are all good sized, but the finishes and colors are very outdated... which is exactly what I wanted. But seriously, I do not understand how anyone can choose these unfortunate tan colors... I tried to adjust the lighting in the photo but this is basically what it looks like, very yellowy orange feeling, and the paint colors somehow just enhance that.

Kitchen & Living Room

This is the living space and Kitchen, it's an open floor plan and there is a big ventless fireplace that just doesn't look great and takes up space. There are some instances where I might have kept it and done a built-in around it to make it look more like a traditional fireplace, but we are pretty short on extra space here and there is that weird jog in the wall on the right hand side, so it has to go! The living space will feel so much bigger without this beast taking up precious square footage.In the kitchen the layout will stay the same but we're replacing everything. We'll extend the peninsula counter to align with the wing wall that is right next to the fridge. This will give us more storage and counter space and will will help define the kitchen space more.


The bedrooms are fairly simple and not much will change {but everything will change}, here is what we are starting with...


Primary Bedroom

I don't hate the color but it's definitely not what I'm picturing for this space... more to come, honestly I'm very torn between light and bright and darker and more moody... maybe I'll take a poll. Essentially we're replacing the carpet with hardwood, installing new trim {throughout the whole place}, new paint and a new light fixture. But just changing the carpet to hardwood is going to make the biggest difference! This room also has a pretty big walk in closet that we'll build out as well. Next to the kitchen it's probably the space I'm most excited to transform!The second bedroom {office for our purposes}, is basically just a smaller version of the master bedroom... super worn out twenty year old carpet and a very bright color blue... new hardwood, new trim and we'll do something different for those unfortunate closet doors but I'm not sure what yet...



The bathrooms are more of the same, old old and old... and bad lighting to boot. I can't wait to dig into these babies! Master bathroom ~ not as large as I was hoping for, but I can definitely do something here. We'll keep a full shower in this bathroom and the layout will stay the same, but everything will be new. And, of course, those vintage shower doors will go, too, lol.

The second bath is pretty much the same, just with less storage... and I'm beginning to think all of the bad tan paint is really affecting my mood. I see some intermediate painting in our future until we really overhaul this space... I think we'll keep the tub but I'm not 100% sure yet {it's really shallow and I love a good bath, which means you need a deeper tub!}. And of course, new tile and new fixtures. I'm dying to do wallpaper somewhere, maybe in one of the bathrooms??

So I guess this is a pretty big project after all. Most people would maybe update a kitchen or bathroom, but we're overhauling everything. I'm completely overwhelmed and also completely excited. Can't wait to share more soon {if only the kitchen cabinets didn't have such a long lead time, argh!}! 


Accepting the Learning Curve of Our First Renovation and what I'm learning along the way...


The whirlwind of living through a renovation...