Resources, tips, and inspiration to help you feel at home.


Renovations & Design Madison Renovations & Design Madison

Renovation confessions — So. Much. Stress.

ruthfully, this renovation is one of my biggest dreams coming true. And I do love it. But also ~ ohmygod it is also some of the worst stress I've ever experienced at the exact same time.As I scroll through Instagram daily and see the big design bloggers that I follow doing this project or that... seemingly always in a state of utter design bliss, I can't help but feel like I'm failing…

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Renovations & Design Madison Renovations & Design Madison

The Kitchen Design, and the One Cabinet Decision that Almost Broke Me

We are getting closer and closer to go time... the kitchen cabinets should be shipping the first week of April and I have plenty of things I still need to do. Anyone know where to get a super sexy black kitchen faucet?? Given that we will have had at least a month of waiting while the cabinets were being fabricated, there are no excuses for not being ready when they actually get here…

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Meet our new house!

I've shared some of the ups and downs of buying and starting renovations of our new place... but I haven't actually introduced you to it! Meet our cute little house {condo}! We bought a super outdated two-bedroom two two-bathroom condo in a loft/courtyard building in a pretty hip part of town. Honestly, I don't feel cool enough to live in our new neighborhood, lol, but here we are!

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